About Us

Who We Are:

We are Ray & Mary Sitorius. We grew up along the South Channel of the Platte River, south and west of Brady, Nebraska. We were privileged to be raised on family farms, learning about row crops, hay crops, family gardens, and livestock, which included cattle, hogs, sheep, and chickens. We also learned the values and rewards that came from the hard work it took to achieve the bountiful harvest of the crops and to produce quality animals for human consumption. This was mostly fun as young kids, but we have grown to realize that many people do not have these luxuries of being able to produce their own vegetables and protein sources, and a good many do not realize where their food actually comes from. We encourage our children and grandchildren to take part in what we do. Work shared creates a bountiful harvest, and valued knowledge is being passed down to future generations. We feel it is our calling to share our story with anyone who would like to visit us at the farm, to learn, to see, and maybe take home a little treat from the heart of our homestead.

What We Do:

We raise garden produce (as seasons permit) as naturally as possible. With many years’ experience of growing gardens, we’ve learned how to achieve higher quality produce that is nutritionally dense. We start our own plants, using only high-quality seed starting soil and premium seeds. This allows us to know what goes into each plant, and what you will receive in harvested produce. We feel any vegetables produced in this manner will be very nutritious. If a bug takes a bite, you will know you can too!

We raise Idaho Pasture Pigs on the farm and have new litters continually. We now have pasture-raised pork available as a high-quality protein source. These pigs have premium meat and are raised in the open. They are fed high quality alfalfa, allowed to graze grasses, and are supplemented with small grain mix (no soy!) that contains upgrade minerals. They have full access to sheds (and shade!) when harsh weather conditions require shelter. Our production practices are as natural as possible, only using medications when needed to prevent illness and suffering in individual animals. Extended prescribed withdrawal periods will be observed before any animal is harvested. Exceptional stewardship and ethical treatment of all our animals is paramount. Happy animals make for a healthy protein source!

Why We Do It:

We believe that you are what you eat. We also believe that everyone deserves the chance to put quality food sources into their bodies the way nature intended. In order to create this premium meat, we believe happy animals produce healthier meat, and these animals should have the freedom to move about and have joy in their lives. We believe that this meat should be free of soy, non-GMO grains, hormones, and antibiotics. We value the opportunity to offer you a high-quality meat, and we want you to know how and why we do it. One of our life goals is to work with younger members of our family and friends and teach them how vegetables are produced, harvested, and processed for storage, and how animals are raised, butchered, and processed for storage. We know where our food comes from and what goes into it. Do you?

In Our Future:

Future plans include pasture-raised beef. We have been given an opportunity to manage a beef cow herd, and this herd has historically been grass fattened with a little organic corn prior to marketing. This herd is isolated from other beef cattle, and has followed the no anti-biotics, no hormones, and no soy practices. These cows graze naturally, and in the colder months receive baled grasses and alfalfa. They are on a solid mineral program to help maintain healthy mamas and babies. We will continue these managing practices, along with the same practices we follow with the pigs. Soon, we hope to have another source of high quality protein for you!